
Sunday, February 8, 2009

3 Strand Cable with Ribbing

The 3 Stranded Cable Knit Pattern- with Ribbing

This is called the 3 stranded "braid" knitted cable stitch pattern.  

This piece is 6 x 9 inches. I made it this way because of a charity  BUT you may just want to use the cable pattern itself. That way you can change the surround stitches. If that's the case, I have the cable pattern in a dark red font in bold. 

The instructional PDF, if you wish to download it, is available immediately (no wait) at 

I was a beginner knitter when I started doing cables. It take just a little practice. This is a good beginner cable pattern. I say that because you are only using the cable needle every other Right Side row. I surrounded the cable pattern with ribbing and moss stitch. 

Materials Needed:
Size 10.5 needle
Cable Needle
Approx. 40 yards of worsted weight yarn

Other Notes:
CO: 27
Gauge (In Stockinette Stitch) is 4.5 stitches and 5 rows per inch

Stitches Used:
Cable- see below
Moss stitch - For the moss stitch border you will (K1 P1)x2 on the Right Side rows
and you will knit the purls and purl the knits on the Wrong Side rows

RC = Right cross on 6 stitches, Slip 3 Stitch to cable needle, and hold in
back. Knit 3 stitches then knit the 3 from the cable needle.
LC = Left cross on 6 stitches, Slip 3 Stitch to cable needle, and hold in front.
Knit 3 stitches then knit the 3 from the cable needle.

PATTERN: Cable pattern in red
(RS)Row 1, 3: 4 Moss, K3, P2, K9, P2, K3, 4 Moss
(WS)Row 2, 4: 4 Moss, P3, K2, P9, K2, P3, 4 Moss
Row 5: 4 Moss, K3, P2, K9, P2, K3, 4 Moss
Row 6, 8,10: 4 Moss, P3, K2, P9, K2, P3, 4 Moss
Row 7: 4 Moss, K3, P2, RC K3, P2, K3, 4 Moss
Row 9: 4 Moss, K3, P2, K9, P2, K3, 4 Moss
Row 11: 4 Moss, K3, P2, K3 LC, P2, K3, 4 Moss
Row 12: 4 Moss, P3, K2, P9, K2, P3, 4 Moss
Repeat rows 5-12 for cable pattern

To make this exact piece do Rows 1-12, then do Rows (5 thru 12)4
times, then finish with rows 5 & 6.

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